Laser vaginal rejuvenation is a therapy that helps restore tone and flexibility to the vaginal and vulvar tissues. Childbirth, menopause, certain skin conditions (vulvar dystrophy, lichen sclerosis), cancer treatment, and aging can cause thinning of the vagina--called vaginal atrophy, or vulvovaginal atrophy. Vaginal atrophy can lead to vaginal dryness, painful intercourse (called dyspareunia), vaginal irritation, vaginal burning, and skin discoloration of the vulva with age spots or brown spots.

Laser treatment of the pelvic tissue increases collagen production, which strengthens the vagina and vulvar tissue, and improves elasticity and flexibility, as well as improving vaginal lubrication. Laser vaginal rejuvenation is one type of labiaplasty treatment, and can lead to skin rejuvenation of the vagina, as well as the vulva. For women with vaginal laxity (looseness of the vagina, usually after childbirth), laser rejuvenation can improve vaginal tone and result in vaginal tightening. The laser resurfacing treatment of the vulva can minimize and/or resolve pigment changes, age spots or brown spots.

If you’re a woman who’s experienced unwelcome vaginal changes, you’re a candidate for vaginal rejuvenation! Vaginal rejuvenation can improve the tone of muscles and tissues in and near the vagina, and in the vulva, and can enhance comfort and enjoyment during sex.  The skin rejuvenation can also improve the appearance of the vaginal area.

The Juliet is a medical laser providing a new non-surgical in-office procedure, using laser technology to improve vaginal and vulvar health. The Juliet laser vagial rejuvenation is an excellent alternative to some forms of hormone replacement therapy, or surgical labiaplasty. It is  a fast procedure with few side effects and little downtime. With the Juliet, you can get back to enjoying your sex life soon after treatment. You can feel confident that the Juliet laser will meet your needs gently and effectively.

A thin device is inserted into the vagina and passed quickly through the canal. The laser energy painlessly stimulates collagen production in the vaginal muscles and tissues to tighten and revitalize the area. Different settings on the laser allows us to provide the optimal treatment for your goals.

Although the Juliet medical laser is not FDA approved for the treatment of urinary issues, many women have reported an improvement in urinary urgency and urinary incontinence after treatment.